Good Law Project [unofficial] [email protected]

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TitusL108 @[email protected]

Together Forever With My Beloved Wife (Now In Spirit)❤️❤️
QuantumEntanglementT - Yogi with M.E. /
Beginner Cellist (JSBach/MarinMarais) & Poet ♡

Here & There At The Same Time

AulusAndy @[email protected]

Hi, I am an erstwhile Product Development Engineer and a Customer Projects Manager (now retired).

Migrated here from @birdsite but still engaged in both as long as the other place remains useable!

Interested in nearly everything and particularly following Current Affairs and the arts.

Pete Jackson @[email protected]

FBPE, pro eu, very anti Tory.

Skeewiff @[email protected]

Purveyor of Easy-Funk-Breaks Since 1998

Producer/Composer & figment of my alter-ego's imagination.

Director of Pedigree Cuts Production Library

#Music #MusicProduction #Tech #ProEU #ProSeccoSocialist #Environmentalist #EVs #SciFi #HiFi #Photography #3DPrinting #ModularSynths #FPL #Cats #Dogs

tom parkinson #FBPE 🇪🇺 @[email protected]

Running around madly trying to work out how this thing operates - Try turning it off and on again? EV maniac and mac user (some might say mac expert)

Martin Ragg @[email protected]

Social Democrat who wants the Tory Party confined to purgatory for at least 25 years. Scottish countryside enthusiast ith a nose for good food!

Fleur @[email protected]

Ever curious

LittleGravitas @[email protected]

UK citizen resident in EU. Radical left centrist liberal. Hates Brexit. Would like my Freedom of Movement back! Keen to get rid of an obnoxious populist UK government. Interested in politics, languages, reading.

Miguel Suarez Smiz @[email protected]

distant dad & grandpa, stockman, pensioned off angry former Crown & Civil servant of mixed blood & confused ethnicity, forever indebted to #NHS, charities, decent working folk & #JoinAUnion, itinerant intolerant introvert, aspiring peasent hermit & writer, living Off-Grid harvesting wind, rain & sun along with some organic beans, lentils & chickpeas, accidental vintner, fruit 'n nut farmer #ToryTraitors need neutralising, #DemocracyMatters #BrexitWasTreason #Putin bought the Right #RussiaReport