The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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dlf @[email protected]

I'm here to read what other people have to say. Don't expect to write much.

AngelaMorgan @[email protected]

Active moderate who supports public education, the environment, and equity in the Red South.

Lisa Garrett @[email protected]

Entrepreneur, Chief Value Officer, Accountant

Coprolite @[email protected]

GIS wonk occasionally kidnapped by archaeologists, palaeontologists and fish people. Photographer, knapper, and all weather cyclist in a city reputed to be winter 11 months per year.

#GIS #archaeology #climate #cycling #yegbike #yegdt #cats #photography #bees #maps

Silver Curlz @[email protected]

I am me. Take it or leave it. Either is fine.
Dog mom of two #GoldenRetrievers, wife, #Liberal and unapologetic about it. I’ve learned how to be tactful but don’t often employ that skill. 🤪
#Baking, #Books, #Reading, #Dogsofmastodon, #Dogs, #Politics, #Liberal, #Minnesota

Moira Davidson @[email protected]

Retiree. Former forester, wildland fire fighter, university library manager (Government Documents), homesteader. B.A., M.S., M.A.

Mostly boosting #Ukraine media rn. Living with leukemia.

Moira Davidson is a character in On the Beach by Nevil Shute, q.v. Avatar is Ava Gardner as Moira, background is "USS Sawfish."

All human action or refraining from action has consequences; therefore all human communication is political. Mute as needed.

Getamop @[email protected]

Born Brit, naturalized American, progressive, non religious, retired geologist, wannabe artist, but mainly a grumpy male curmudgeon 💉🌊🌊🇬🇧🇺🇸🦖🦕⚒

Beate Schmid-Janssen @[email protected]

Antifaschistin mit Glaube, Liebe und Hoffnung

yayataya @[email protected]

usually i doubt, sometimes i know
tolerant by soul not always by manners (or vice versa)
respect free choice & mutual consent
искам да съм като всички, contra turbai 
понякога човек трябва да каже само "това не е сериозно" и да се оттегли.