The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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Carwil Bjork-James @[email protected]

anthropologist, revolutionary, #professor, #photographer, translator, father, dancer, lover of #streetart and human connection — research: #Bolivia, #IndigenousRights, the state, mass #SocialMovements, #tactics, #violence, #PublicSpace, #Territory — book:

Carwil Bjork-James conducts immersive and historical research on disruptive protest, grassroots autonomy, state violence, and indigenous collective rights in Bolivia.
#anthropology #fedi22 #tfr

FUElon @[email protected]

Here because Elon🤡 is a fucking pagliaccio #MuskRat

1angryyogi @[email protected]

Fighting rage and depression one ohm at a time. I just want to complain about yoga jerks and plants that won’t stay alive. Soon..I’m here to fight for equality, rights, truth and democracy.