The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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Ricc Deckard @[email protected]

Twitter-Flüchtling ... Techaffin - (Systemanalyse)

Massimo @[email protected]

Applied AI @google. Opinions are personal.

undduauch @[email protected]

ist Kompliziert

Lorbs @[email protected]

I'm Canadian. I like science. I'm an RN. I know Covid is real. Apparently I'm part of the Jones Generation. I'm an introvert. I'm cynical but not interested in conspiracy theories. I loooathe clowns! I'd call myself Agnostic. I'm a no-nonsense type of person. I'm sarcastic. I love laughing - SO much. I'm a news junkie. Interested in politics. Go Leafs! Go Jayz! I love all music - except country. Be kind. People need to be who they wanna be! I'm NOT a conservative. This is me in a nutshell

Lars J. Helbo @[email protected]

Folkepensionist, Luftværnsartillerist (14 LA, 2 JBDE, LANDJUT, MNC NE), Menighedshårdsformand, Slægtsforsker.

Jennifer M. Batterman, Ph.D. @[email protected]

Clinical Psychologist in Mid-Coast Maine working with Children, Adolescents, Adults, and Families.

Peter Hodl @[email protected]

Think differently

Owen @[email protected]

He/Him | Software developer, indie game developer, hacker and more.