The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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Rainbow-coloured Unicorn-fella @[email protected]

I cannot fight. But I can support Ukraine nevertheless. Slava Ukraini 💙💛 Proud to be part of #nafofellas

Moni💚🇺🇦🐕🐈🐝 @[email protected]

Liebe die Natur, Freiheit , Frieden, meinen Hund und meine Katze. Bin gegen Extremisten, Faschisten, Nazis und Schwurbelei. grünversift 💚💚💚

larsolav @[email protected]

Hobbysyklist, pappa, økonom og nerd. Driver cnc-dreieverksted i garasjen.

Stefan Karstens @[email protected]

Aus #Kiel. (Er/he)
Progressive Meinungen & Positionen zu Politik und Weltgeschehen. Weltraum und Dinosaurier. 🦕
#StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦

Sraik Doubter @[email protected]

Pacific Northwest native, avid cook, political junkie, and Eve Online survivor.

Jonathan Trace @[email protected]

Welsh, European, GTTO, retired NHS Gp . Southwest

dr jamesbicycle @[email protected]

James Arnold BA(Hons) MA PhD RDPsych Clinical-community psych. Mental health & physical injury recovery consulting & policy after 35yrs patient care & medical-legal practice. Science & data are our friends Physical activity & nature help recover mental & physical health. Board member- Saskatoon Cycles 🇨🇦, all year cyclist. All things active. Kindness. Violence is bad. Equity, open source, Linux, right to repair, free exchange of ideas. Snow, sunshine, clouds, rain- nature is good