The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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Gome Ravid @[email protected]

As we say in Germany, if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis (Jens Foell)

Laura Whitehead @[email protected]

Happy go lucky human. Web dev and design.

Merilee D. Karr, MD, MFA @[email protected]

Pursuer of sociohistorical puzzles: History of Health & Power; Cultural History of Doctoring; Patient Empowerment
Family doc, Science journalist, Funny lady, Cat mom, Resister, Gardener and orchardist, Ukrainian Jewish American, Anti-Bibi Zionist, Portland, Oregon, USA

I teach #DisasterSanitation:
"You Survive the Earthquake, But Die of Dysentery"

#Gardening #MedMastodon #Sanitation


I don't follow blank, bio-less accounts; you might be a dog. Or a MAGA dog.

EXN @[email protected]

Music is fun :)

Malene Kyed @[email protected]

Artist - former Art Director. 
From Denmark.Now based on the island of Bornholm. Art Project: Archive of the Sea - diversity/evolution in the ocean.

Ann @[email protected]

I care about democracy, equity, science, gardening, and avoiding disabling diseases like covid. Я вивчаю українську мову.
I'm in the US, in Washington state.