The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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Bmlto @[email protected]

freedom ain't free

Dean Ashby @[email protected]

Husband, father, cyclist, software engineer, tech geek from Christchurch, New Zealand.

ProfSchnauzbart @[email protected]

Here to acquire some knowledge.

Francois R @[email protected]

Philosopher and trainee software dev. Fmr private detective. Sprecher der AK Internationales SPD Heidelberg.

Tom von Clef @[email protected]

Software dev in Knoxville, TN

Anneli Salomaa @[email protected]

Digikehittäjä Traficomilla
Kiinnostuksen kohteina #digidigi #saavutettavuus #politiikka #kuurojutut