The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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spielhoelle @[email protected]

Punk living in Tokyo

Ozzy @[email protected]

Ciao, sono un medico a cui piace la vita all'aria aperta. Suono la chitarra e ho una laurea in pittura. Visito l'Italia il più spesso possibile. Le Dolomiti sono un posto fantastico per giocare.

Brittani 🌼🌱😁☔🌈🌞🌦️ @[email protected]

Dog hugger, letter writer both domestic and world wide, traveler and mobile phone photographer. Fediverse enthusiast, I'm trying lots of different platforms and really enjoying everything.

Michael @[email protected]

musician- composer based in Vienna /Austria working since the 90s on the speech immanence of sounds and their sculptural and dramatic evidence, in contemporary Free Improvised and Experimental Music on the tenor saxophone, the feedback-saxophone and as Instant Composition Conductor. Launched the Vienna Improvisers Orchestra in 2004. Michael as well composes fixed media pieces for ad hoc soundscapes for collaborative performances with poets in experimental poetry and experimental short movies.