The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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Chucho :gnu: :freedo: :guix: @[email protected]

I am a beginner Guix user, I love Free Software philosophy and I apply as much as I can, even for work.A bit obsessed with KISS principle but getting less obsessed with the time. I like configuring servers and doing labs on GNU/Linux. I like data science but I am too bad for it but I am pretty good in scripting. I am glad to accept you as follower except if you don't have any interaction in your account.

Pia Pihlaja @[email protected]

Viestinnän asiantuntija, valmentaja ja työnohjaaja Helsingin Alppilasta. Juoksen, kuuntelen podcasteja ja yritän aina tehdä arjesta hyvää. Rakastan kahvia ja kaupunkielämää.

#viestintä #coaching #työnohjaus #pihlajaoy

Stephen D @[email protected]

“You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe” ― Carl Sagan

Aileen Harrison @[email protected]

Escapee from Birdsite
Live Scotland
Pro European
History, art, books
Environmental issues, save the planet
Left leaning
Learning Italian and Spanish

Geir Storli Jensen @[email protected]

Bydelsutvalgsleder i bydel Grünerløkka for Miljøpartiet De Grønne. Dommer i Forliksrådet i Oslo. Forvent at jeg skriver om Oslo, friluftsliv, klima- og miljøpolitikk og samferdsel. Og kanskje aller mest om sykkel.
Kontakt meg på Signal: 93894764

Kost_Bond @[email protected]

M.A. in Law, Kyiv Univ,