The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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faux @[email protected]

A wanna-be family guy.
Amongst my interest are such diverse elements as: books, history, mathematics, running, board and computer games, gardening, programming, fantasy, scifi and nice red uniforms.

Wendy Robinson @[email protected]

I am a geneticist interested in placental biology and fetal development. Also have interests in training and mentorship, sustainability, and how to keep active and injury free after age 60.

Zella @[email protected]

Democrat, for now. Some of my best friends are conservative #PRODEMOCRACY never-Trumpers. 
Former government lawyer. Activist. Did I mention I love #CatsofMastodon ?

flatlinr @[email protected]

What you call junk I call treasure. Lover of the trailing edge, especially analog audio equipment and photographic film cameras. Be a kind soul.

Ian Valles (He/They) 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦 @[email protected]

A Proud Queer Man! Manhattan Democratic County Committee Member (AD68/ED06). A Warren Democrat! #BLM #FBR #CancelStudentLoanDebt #ExpandSCOTUS #VoteBluein2022

bernardorion @[email protected]

Geoscientist, climatologist, areas of interest climate change, renewable energies, environmental chemistry
articles published in Blue Blog:
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