The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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Gavin Drake @[email protected]

Married with two amazing kids. All views are my own.

Groms @[email protected] Global Register of Migratory Species more details soon on the groms news site....meanwhile a lot of personal toots from Klaus Riede....

John @[email protected]

at large
phrase of large
1. at liberty; escaped or not yet captured.
2. as a whole; in general.

John Wood @[email protected]

UK labor geek. Adoptive Londoner. Gen X stereotype. Union movement staffer looking at issues of digital change. Toots are personal opinion only, obvs. #digitalunions #workertech #labor #unions #tradeunion

Zef Hemel @[email protected]

Organizational hacker. Nice as a person. Creator of SilverBullet.