The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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mybarkingdogs @[email protected]

He/him, antifascist non-auth internationalist leftist (at this point not necessarily sure what tradition/party/etc I fall into, all I know is I dislike dictators and capitalists alike), I'm a writer and artist, looking to get back into doing electronic music production.

Advisory: my content heavily leans toward - #news, #politics, #weather, #disasters, history, etc, and I often interact with people off instance. If any of this is bothersome, PLEASE mute/block me or filter boosts/words.

AI advisory: I occasionally play with AI, ML, and GAN tools for entertainment/humor/inspiration purposes ONLY, and I occasionally use automated actions in design projects. Any AI/ML/GAN created text or imagery will be clearly tagged and CWed as such, as will any use of automated actions in creating/editing anything original.
Deleted birdsite account 7/14/2023 - any account there is NOT ME.


Rob Larsen @[email protected]

Colorado, USA based architectural photographer.

Paul Dolan #nafofella @[email protected]

Over 60, former R, sober since ‘83. #yes I fat fingered my last name on signup

cpay @[email protected]

Kindness and beauty rate high. I like staying informed and taking photos of wildlife.

andras @[email protected]

Curieux de tout et même du reste. Désireux de trouver une alternative à twitter depuis la prise en main brutale par Elon Musk.Opposé aux échanges haineux. #litterature #sciences #humanisme #planete #raison #déraison #art #fiction

Jacob Russell @[email protected]

Toots about web, tech, space, Detroit sports, and politics. Will someday retire to a hobby farm deep in the North woods.

Cosmic Ray @[email protected]

All you need is love, love is all you need. Still sounds good

Know something about Networks, Routing and Cybersecurity

Teaching college Cybersecurity Class in Network Security

Lots of experience with WAN networks for Service Providers and Internet Routing over last 20+ years

I've written code for a vacuum tube computer, not as exciting as it sounds as the output was a dot matrix printer. There's more and more coding used for routing, that will change the way networking is done, eventually

Play xbox World of Tanks to relax. Run a bit and longer trips on an electric bike

Those who know do not talk
Those who talk do not know
- Tao Te Ching

WrathofJan 🌞🌻🌎🖖 @[email protected]

Here to share #FACTS to counter the RW #Fascist #Propaganda of #KochNetwork #Cons. 
Also interested in #Health #ClimateChange #Scifi #Disinfo #Art #Birds #Nature #Photos #Dogs #Science …. 
12 years on Twitter - #Flitting back & forth. #Canadian in #Alberta. #CDN #AB #YYC
🌟Always Learning🌟 #fedi22#Resist 🌞👊🖖