The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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Dawn Hulot @[email protected]

Twitter refugee. Mom. Old hippie.
Cancer. divorce survivor
#Christian against #ChristianNationalism.
Interested in #Sciences, #Religion, #Politics, #Covid, #LongCovid, #MentalHealth, #DAT, learning, friendship, laughter, kindness.
Owned by a #cat

Susanna Makaroff @[email protected]

Yrittäjä, VTM, töissä viestinnän suunnittelutoimisto Lähteessä. Homeäidin päiväkirjan kirjoittaja (WSOY) ja Mothersforpeace ry:n perustajaäiti. Viestin ja vaikutan ❤️:llä!

neutron_chick @[email protected]

Currently a scientist in health care, previously a physicist. Loves anything that falls under #science and #nature. Trying to become a #birder

pmroman 🇪🇺 @[email protected]

Love #Sailing #Music & #Art in general. Interested in #Politics and #Policy. Living in the #EU South of #France

Henrik Segercrantz @[email protected]

Career as Naval Architect and later Maritime journalist (Seatrade, Maritime Reporter, Cruise Business Rev, Ferry Technology etc.) . The 40 or so shipbuilding years in R&D, Project Design, and final 10 years in Marketing and Corp. Comm. Later also consultant in VR / AR. Designed the Zoom8 dinghy. Hobbies incl. among others Android etc. programming, tweets for World peace, etc, and my Family of course. (hobby :) hm?)

Perellie @[email protected]

Retired. Guy. Zøg. Lives by the sea. Loves cats. Linksgrünversifft seit immer. Antifaschist. Atheist. ADHD. #Metalhead#FCKPTN #IStandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 #FckAfD #FCKNZS #LegalizeIt