The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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Bluedepth @[email protected]

48 years old, Sun & Moon in Cancer with Gemini Rising, INFJ.
Embrace The Golden Rule, Life is Comedy. All DM’s accepted.

fdeantoni @[email protected]

Stampeding from twitter to mastodon. Interested in all things science and coding, especially with #rustlang!

Irolita @[email protected]

🇨🇦 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini!
Mostly following and reposting Ukraine news on this account.
My other account, if you want to see farm life with chickens and horses :-)

dana @[email protected]

My world-traveled life has been full of crazy stories. I make things. I fix things. I grow things. Happy member of the human race. #StandWithUkraine