The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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MollyNYC @[email protected]

Alt: diagonally cropped top half of my face (messy brown hair with bangs, brown eyes) in front of a very old, greyish-silver mirror in some museum/château.

josteinsn @[email protected]

Norsk. Utenlands. Grønn. Rød. Gift, tre barn. Vil mye heller rose enn kverulere. Tidvis korrekturleser. Stavefeil vil forekomme stadig vekk.

usse @[email protected]

Sorry, ich bin nur die Technik …

Claire 🐇💨 @[email protected]

🐇💨 @clair3_s on 🐦 site.

Vokuhizo @[email protected]

48. Breitengrad — 
 Born at 318.55 PPM — 
 RDMX, C1, SWL, D8+, RGBWAUV, Bfl-s1. —
 Lupinenkaffee ! --Brezeln 
TR1 / vorher K100 — 
 ADK —
 1893 —
bisher eher lesend als schreibend
💉 ⁶

aslue @[email protected]

Tierbefreiung, vegan, antifa, Klimagerechtigkeit, Feminismus

Rebekah Robbins @[email protected]

JD Candidate, UNB Law / President, LSS /
Editor-in-Chief UNB Law Journal

Chris Jones @[email protected]

London, UK
Also @chrisjones_1 over at MuskTown