The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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Andiias @[email protected]

Architect. Mountain boy living in 2D land. Occasionally headless. Goh nehd ignorian.

Ian Ramjohn @[email protected]

Wikipedia expert at @WikiEducation. 
Plant ecology Ph.D. 🇹🇹Trinbagonian in exile

Juha Helminen @[email protected]

FreeCad study or 3D-printing as fresh hobby. Learning side on these + Qt.

@juhe in Finnish

evolkov @[email protected]

Онтокритик и социальный инженер, тренер онтокритики, #ontocritic #онтокритика

chantrybee @[email protected]

Belgo-Brit. Working in Government Affairs. LUFC. RUSG