The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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TheOneSwit @[email protected]

Utilitarist, Antifaschist, Weedmob, Soziales, Pen&Paper, Solarpunk, Permakultur, Gaming, Politisches, Philosophie, ...

Wenn wir unsere Gesellschaft und unser Zusammenleben nicht radikal an die Bedürfnisse unserer Umwelt anpassen, wird die Umwelt sich radikal an uns anpassen.

Zeit gemeinsam eine Welt für alle zu bilden.

AoA @[email protected]

Nicht mehr ganz #neuhier

Daniel Tóth 🦄 @[email protected]

Introvertný liberál zaujímajúci o meteorológiu 🌥️, životné prostredie 🌳, fotografovanie 📷, prácu s drevom 🪵, Island 🇮🇸 a Nórsko 🇧🇻

Môj hashtag #tatrynakaždýdeň

Kassandra @[email protected]

Woke retired prof, atheist, post-humanist

Kimberly St. Julian-Varnon @[email protected]

UPenn PhD Student
Soviet and East German History
Perpetually Undercaffeinated

DecodïngTrolls @[email protected]

Cultural Archæologist ~ Invented Disinfolklore, an analytical method for parsing Disinfo ~ Re-discovered Mana • Law of Mana - There is Mana | Mana's Permanent | Communicate Positive Mana.

Mozyiddo @[email protected]

Out Beyond the Ideas of Wrongdoing and Rightdoing there is a field, I will meet you there one day.
Spurs, politics and food too!