The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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Vincent Pyrmont / No Parmesán! @[email protected]

Slava Ukraini, no pasarán!
I'm a German living in Austria.
No nazis, no fascism, no socialism, no communism, no Querfront, no Putinism, no Trumpism, no religious indoctrination, no alternative facts, no conspiracy theories, no racism, no climate lies, no homophobia, just freedom and democracy!

Essi @[email protected]

Uuden opettelija, utelias ihmettelijä.
Geokätköilijä, samppanjaa rakastava matkailija.

Niin ja sanoinko jo geokätköilijä. Olisiko teillä hetki aikaa keskustella geokätköilystä?

Boots 🌀 @[email protected]

#cats mostly.🍁🐈‍⬛ 
#NAFO #Fellas because #UkraineWillWin.
#TeachTruth 🗽⚖️🇺🇸 #WadeInTheWater
Unrestrained #CatsofMastodon booster 
#HighWeirdness connoisseur 
Also, in no particular order, fan of
#SubGenius#Folklore#Art#GhostStories and assorted woo #OxfordComma and #Indexes

Mika Lappalainen @[email protected]

Sisäinen tarkastaja
Protonmail: [email protected]
Signal: +358445034000

⚜️Δρakakiς🍁 @[email protected]

✌🏼 Wise, grey, mesomorph. INFP
Montreal born @314 ppm CO². Ottawa's burden.

⚒️ Gratefully retired. Former Health Care Executive, Counsellor, Oil Patch Worker, Journalist/Photographer, Civil Servant, Singer-Songwriter (random order)

🎓 Tertiary Ed. - John Abbot College, Mtl. - McGill U Mtl. - Carleton U Ott.

♿ COPD, O² dependant, long-covid, wonky ❤️, limited mobility. Traded my bike for a state of the art (lithium) folding power chair

📣 Post-ideological-anarcho-lib-socialist-non-partisan

Dr. Frog @[email protected]

Scientific Amphibian, #opensource software geek, writer. I'm here to croak about freedom and democracy, get news and commentary, and see pictures of #cats.

SNAFO FROM NAFO @[email protected]

The defenders of the free world and freedom of speech!!