The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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TimDO @[email protected]

I really do not like injustice ! I am interested in politics and green technologies

LMH @[email protected]

Founder, Still We Rise, a fundraising community for good & owner online children's shop Darling Clementine

Ben Matthews @[email protected]

Do: develop model of climate, future world pathways ...
Live: vallée de la Meuse, Belgique
r/w: english, français, 中文, português, español, [???ский], scala, js, music, other langs ...

My main account where I post about my interactive scala model, climate, other 'expert' topics is now at @benjhm

Here is just an experimental account to follow news, world affairs, probably I won't post much here, but glad to discuss.

hibi @[email protected]

Twitter refugee. Working as health care worker at a hospital.

fredsharples @[email protected]

I live in the forest with my wife & 2 kids. Trail running, snowboarding, skiing, surfing. Weather nut.

Ronni Andersen @[email protected]

Klima, forsvar & dkpol