The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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chamberlagop @[email protected]

Eurosceptic rejoiniac, metropolitan liberal, food nerd, nerd, floating voter, centrist, saboteur, citizen of nowhere

Kreets @[email protected]

Milwaukee. Graphic design. Blender3D hobbyist. Be kind.

Andy MA @[email protected]

Avoid The Subject / NetApp

Dr. Kerry McElroy @[email protected]

Writer, cultural historian, correspondent- women, trauma, art. International correspondent @KyivPost on arts and activism, Ukraine in the world: Proudly sanctioned and banned by Russia. Editor@NPJ.

ArjaKrank @[email protected]

Toimittaja/visuaalinen journalisti Helsingistä. Journalismi, politiikka, kulttuuri ja kuvajournalismi kiinnostelee, ja aion vastaisuudessa postailla aiheista sekä kuvia shibanpennelistä, joka saapuu jouluksi kotiin 🥰 🦊

MICHAEL EICHLER @[email protected]

Some scars some tattoos some regrets many ambitions

Leo Petražickis 🇺🇦 @[email protected]

He/they. I like urbanism, dungeons and dragons, tech, and improv