The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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mybarkingdogs @[email protected]

I consider myself antifascist non-auth leftist (not necessarily sure what tradition/party/etc I fall into, all I know is I dislike dictators and capitalists alike and want to see non-auth Communism or anarchy or both), I'm a writer and artist, also do electronic music. (Possibly I may be plural, yet am most comfortable calling myself median or faceted).

hide #TornadoWarningRelay and #WeatherAlert if the weather alerts bug you, boosts if non-CWed news boosts do

#noindex #nobridge

Kara @[email protected]

DarlingKara from Twitter 🌻

Brett Martin @[email protected]

Engineer and manager from corporate America who nevertheless attempts to stay aware of happenings in the world beyond business and technology. I am interested in politics, history, art, classical music, and the other things that make life interesting and meaningful. Also thinking about moving to the #EU some day.
#democracy #Ukraine #Boston #NewEngland #electricvehicles #exvangelical #technology #softwaredevelopment #classicalmusic #audiophile #LPs #TransRights #athiest #LGBTQ

Heleen van den Broek @[email protected]

Illustrator, rechtbanktekenaar en atelierpedagoog in het basisonderwijs. Groningen - Friesland

Anne-Claire Humeau @[email protected]

Dirigeante - catho -💒🧳🎶🗻🌊🌍📚🍷🥘🎹🌠⛵️🛫 et de combats du moment #ukraine #sortonslespoubelles #LetUsTalk