✌🏼 Wise, grey, mesomorph. INFP
Montreal born @314 ppm CO². Ottawa's burden.

⚒️ Gratefully retired. Former Health Care Executive, Counsellor, Oil Patch Worker, Journalist/Photographer, Civil Servant, Singer-Songwriter (random order)

🎓 Tertiary Ed. - John Abbot College, Mtl. - McGill U Mtl. - Carleton U Ott.

♿ COPD, O² dependant, long-covid, wonky ❤️, limited mobility. Traded my bike for a state of the art (lithium) folding power chair

📣 Post-ideological-anarcho-lib-socialist-non-partisan


The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] @[email protected]

Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine

Website: https://kyivindependent.com/

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