He/him, antifascist non-auth internationalist leftist (at this point not necessarily sure what tradition/party/etc I fall into, all I know is I dislike dictators and capitalists alike), I'm a writer and artist, looking to get back into doing electronic music production.

Advisory: my content heavily leans toward - #news, #politics, #weather, #disasters, history, etc, and I often interact with people off instance. If any of this is bothersome, PLEASE mute/block me or filter boosts/words.

AI advisory: I occasionally play with AI, ML, and GAN tools for entertainment/humor/inspiration purposes ONLY, and I occasionally use automated actions in design projects. Any AI/ML/GAN created text or imagery will be clearly tagged and CWed as such, as will any use of automated actions in creating/editing anything original.
Deleted birdsite account 7/14/2023 - any account there is NOT ME.

