Randy Resnick (Bluesbreaker) [email protected]

Open on akkomane.social
Streaming profiles: https://ffm.bio/randulo

American-born, I was a build-it-in-the-basement with vacuum tubes and transistors geek. Spoke fluent solder. Older, became touring musician, composer, & Bluesbreaker. Dual national now, living in France.

Writing: https://strictlybeta.com

#OriginalMusic #food #cooking #tech #social #guitar #saxophone

0mega ☣ [pl] @[email protected]

Pronomen: er/sein (he/his)

Linux Gamer, Hobbyprogrammierer, Hardwarebastler. Betreibe einige private Dienste auf einem Low Budget Server. Facebookverweigerer und Fan dezentraler Systeme.