The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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sweetroll @[email protected]

Hi there!

⛔ Terfs, racists and other bigots of any kind - eat shit 🙅‍♀️


Please wear a mask, COVID isn't over 😷

AnuLönn @[email protected]

Oman elämäni ajopuuteoreetikko. Olen rantautunut pandemian aikana saariston rauhaan. Työ- ja kotiarjen asiasanoja #nuoret #vammaisuus #työelämä #osallisuus #ihmisoikeudet #omaishoito

janhfje @[email protected]

Pensjonist, exbonde i byen. Går tur, binder fluer, brygger øl.

Georg Greve @[email protected]

Sovereign technologies since 1992.

CEO at Vereign AG, working towards the future of Self-Sovereign Identity. #GNU Project contributor, founding president Free Software Foundation Europe (#FSFE). Passion for security, politics, ice hockey & food.

Husband, father of twins, volunteer ice hockey coach at the SCRJ Lakers.

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #DID #SSI #FinTechRocker

James @[email protected]

Maximum effort

Sturle Sunde 🇳🇴🇺🇦🇪🇺🏴‍☠️☕️ @[email protected]

Bitcoinvekslar sidan 2010. Familiefar. Energinerd. Spesiell interesse for energi, optimal bruk av energi, handel med energi, miljøvern, økonomi og distribuerte løysingar. Politisk liberal. Set pris på klårt skilje mellom fakta og meiningar. Glad i tal. Har flysertifikat og ynskjer meg elektrisk fly.
Veldig glad i god kaffi.