The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine


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John Schroeder @[email protected]

Full time dad of two teenage girls, CTO Professional interests: startups, tech, OSS, and social investment. Personal: travel, woodworking, sailing, diving, alpine skiing, anything else outdoors, and of course football (not the American game).

Colonel Hilbert Space @[email protected]

sudo su and you do you

Mizi @[email protected]

the arts - all of them, all of them!

the body speaks - histories of sex + queerness + body politics / pro choice / sex worker rights / trans rights

(no pronouns / she / they)

Jenericw @[email protected]

Power Browser

TomHilly @[email protected]

My passion is finding ways to help students in higher ed achieve their aspirations. Also, dancing & defeating kakistocrats.

Nanard Groubiche @[email protected]

Nanarchiste (comme anarchiste , mais en moins classe), athée, écolo, probablement woke et un peu fatigué en ce moment
Eat the rich!

Zdenda Sazovský @[email protected]

❤️ rock, music, peace, humor
Fotr, ajťák
Born 2 Rock 1979
zkušený starší občan
#beskydy #humor #rockandroll