10+ Reasons to Start Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is getting more and more attention as its many benefits become known. It may take a bit to get used to the strong smell and taste, but once you’ve made it regular part of your routine it’s not so bad.

It provides some great benefits to your digestive system and other parts of your body, that it’s good to keep it handy and use it as directed as part of a weight loss plan, or as part of your daily quest at good health and overall wellness.

Amazing Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

1. Burns Fat

Perhaps the best reason is that apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight be helping to burn fat that’s stored. It even targets the fat in your midsection, which is a trouble spot for many of us.

It’s also been noted for being able to make you feel full for longer periods of time, helping you make it to your next meal and avoid eating when you’re not truly hungry.

The iron content in ACV helps get your metabolism going, so if you’ve noticed you run an iron deficiency, or that you have a sluggish metabolism, you may want to give it a try and see it it helps turn things around.

2. Good for the Digestive System

Apple cider vinegar helps to rev up your digestive juices, so you can more easily digest your meals. It has been attributed to lower instances of indigestion, and To get the most from this benefit try drinking a glass of water mixed with ACV 30 minutes before a meal.

You’ll notice that it not only helps you get to mealtime more easily, but when mealtime does arrive you’ll be hungry for it and then digest it more easily.

It does this by giving your gut what it needs in the form of enzymes that specifically help to break down food. It also contains acids that the body can use to help break up foods and absorb the nutrients from them.

3. Can Be Used as a Mouthwash

If you’re tired of the burn that comes with some popular mouthwash brands on the market, you might want to give apple cider vinegar a try as a more natural alternative. You’ll want to mix it with water and not swish it in your mouth at full strength, as it is rather acidic.

What it does is naturally kill the bacteria on your tongue and inside your mouth that causes bad breath. It’s also able to break down plaque, giving it the same kind of properties as the high-priced mouthwashes you’ll find in stores.

4. Possible Wart Treatment

If you have a wart you’ve been wanting to get rid of, you can try using ACV in order to treat it. It’s an easy enough process to use apple cider vinegar, and you may find that it’s a reliable and cost-effective way to go instead of having it professionally removed or using an over-the-counter wart removal product.

You simply wash and dry the affected area, douse a cotton swab in ACV, apply to the wart and cover with a bandage to keep it in place. Let it work its magic while you sleep, and attend to it again in the morning. Repeat the process until it’s completely healed.

5. Balances Blood Sugar

Apple cider vinegar can help you keep your blood sugar levels in check. Many of the claims made by proponents of ACV are not scientifically founded, but rather rely on anecdotal evidence to back them up.

But this benefit is one that has a strong backing from the medical community, and has been shown to help diabetics manage their condition. It does so by helping to reduce the amount of glucose in the body.

6. Can Be Used to Treat a Sunburn

Even though apple cider vinegar has a sour and acidic taste to it, it’s actually able to soothe a sunburn when applied topically. You can actually make a bath with ACV in it, which will help you treat all of your sunburned areas at once. Use cool water if you go this route.

You can also provide an easier way to apply an ACV solution to your body by using a spray bottle. This way you don’t actually have to touch the sunburn, and can experience a cooling mist hitting your skin. The apple cider vinegar will stay on your skin after the water evaporates.

7. Helps the Sinuses

Apple cider vinegar has been shown to help treat a sinus infection, and if you use it at the first sign of sinus trouble, you may be able to avoid it altogether. The method to use this as sinus relief is to add it to your humidifier so you can breathe it in, or add hot water to it so that you can breathe in the steam.

The goal is breathing it in through your nose, so if it’s already stuffed up you might be too late to help matters. It’s always recommended to check in with your doctor if your sinuses are creating a bigger problem for you.

8. Helps When You’re Tired

Taking apple cider vinegar can help boost your energy levels, and help when you’re starting to feel fatigued, or even exhausted after a workout.

The reason why it helps with your energy levels can be attributed to its effect on your blood sugar, as well as the way it can boost your immune system.

Drinking a shot of ACV as a pick-me-up may work for you, and would be a more healthy tactic than reaching for the afternoon cup of coffee or an energy drink.

9. Can Make Your Teeth Whiter

You can use ACV to whiten your teeth, but you’ll want to make sure to rinse really well after using it, as the acidic nature of apple cider vinegar can be counterproductive if left on too long.

It’s most effective at treating stains on your teeth, so if you have an overall yellowing of your teeth this may not be the best way to go.

You can use it directly just as if you were brushing your teeth with it. When you rinse, be sure to do so until as much of the acidic taste has left your mouth as possible.

10. Can Be Used as an Acne Treatment

You can use apple cider vinegar as part of a comprehensive program to treat acne naturally. The neat feature of ACV in relation to acne is that it can be used both internally and topically to help the situation.

It helps to bring balance to the pH of your skin, and you can use it on your face and other areas of your body, making it great for those that suffer from acne on their back and other parts.

You can also drink it and see if you notice an improvement, but using it as a sort of toner to help your skin directly seems to produce better results.

11. Helps Reduce Heartburn

Apple cider vinegar helps to prevent indigestion, and helps your digestive system break down your food. Whether or not it helps with heartburn will vary from person to person. If your digestive system is overactive and produces too much digestive acid, ACV will only serve to exacerbate the problem.

But if your heartburn is being caused by other factors, it may be just what you need. There isn’t much backing these claims as far as scientific studies go, but it’s one of those instances where the number of positive peer reviews makes it a method worth trying.

12. Relieves Sore Muscles

This involves swabbing the area with ACV instead of ingesting it. You can also make the process easier and even more relaxing by adding it to your bath.

It’s the acid in apple cider vinegar that gets the credit for the relief. It helps to relax both the skin and the muscles so you end up feeling better after soaking for only a few minutes.